Phone: 773.489.5542
Request Quote F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I call or send email instead of filling out the form?
Yes, however, the form helps you quickly introduce yourself and your project to us.
Discussing projects on the phone is especially helpful if we have time to review
your request in advance.
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What happens next?
CFA will review your request and contact you within one business day.
Often we need to ask you additional questions before we can provide a quote.
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Do you provide a written proposal?
Yes, we provide a written proposal,
which includes a list of your project requirements, costs, and timelines.
We also describe our procedures, tools, and service agreements.
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Do you bill by the hour or by the project? |
We can do either or both. Usually we bill by the
project. Most website projects are based on a quote for the whole project.
We often use hourly billing for more corporate projects and maintenance work.
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Is the proposal negotiable?
Generally, our initial proposal prices do not change.
We are happy to discuss modifications to the proposal requirements and
how those revisions impact the cost. Our quotes are very competitive.
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Can we meet in person?
Yes, we are happy to meet in the
Chicago Metropolitan Area to discuss prospective projects.
Face-to-face meetings are often helpful for larger projects.
We have done many successful projects using
only email and phone calls.
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Do you use formal legal contract agreements?
Yes, our projects are based on a formal signed legal contract.
Our contracts are fairly simple and standard. Typically, the final proposal
becomes an appendix to the contract.
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Can I pay you with a credit card?
Yes, we accept credit card payment through
our Pay Pal account. More information